What Does Your E-mail Address Say About You?
You're applying to college soon (or maybe graduate school). What is one small step you can do to improve your application process AND begin your professional life? Take a look at your email address. Yep, that's really where we're going to start.
IRockpiano@yahoo.com IWorkforHugs!@gmail.com Mondaystinks133@aol.com
Those are fun email addresses, but I bet you can see that they don't send a professional vibe. Other students actually have non-silly email addresses, BUT the address gives no indication as to their name. In short, your email address should do two things for you: be mature AND give an indication as to who you are. I don’t mean who you are in the creative sense. Save the creativity for passwords, your music and the stage!
Take one step for your future professional career now. Create a new solid email address.
AND….actually, if you will be applying to college soon…create TWO! Here’s why:
➡️Use one for applying to colleges and ONLY use this address for college apps.
You don’t want to miss a single email from schools where you are applying. Having a separate email for the college application/audition process will REALLY help organize your correspondence. Once you’ve decided on a school, you’ll still receive tons of emails from all the schools where you applied. For years sometimes! You can set up a filter to send them to your spam or you can also unsubscribe like crazy.
➡️Now for that second new email address: Begin using this address in every other way. Maybe you won’t have much use for it right away, but you will. Let this address gradually become your main email address. Your silly or vague email address will gradually fade away.
Here’s a little extra info: Once you decide on a school, the school will give you an email address for communication with your professors. ANOTHER EMAIL ADDRESS! Yes, but don’t worry!. The email address your school assigns you will keep school information organized. Most schools require correspondence for school matters to be through their email system.
You still need a great, solid, clear email address that will live with you during and after college.
Key takeaway: You are going to college to become a professional, so take steps to create that professional aura. The “new email” step is free and easy.
🗒️Special Note! When you leave college, make sure your private lesson teacher and your favorite professors have your regular email address. You never know when they might need to find you and we love to hear updates!
Juli @ JNConsulting
🗒️And Special Note number two--If creating two emails seems just too much, just create 1️⃣ and use it for applying to college and beyond! ✅